Tomorrowland Brasil 2024 - Privacy Statement


Last modified on September 2, 2024.


First of all, Tomorrowland Brasil is excited that you are interested in this great application (the 'Application'). Tomorrowland does its utmost to make sure that you do not need to worry about the protection of your Personal Data when you are using the Application. This privacy policy describes how Tomorrowland Brasil uses the Personal Data you provide whilst using the Application.

Tomorrowland Brasil may ask you to share certain Personal Data, including but not limited to your first name, last name, and e-mail address (identification data). For certain specific obligations, you may be required to provide Tomorrowland Brasil with additional data, such as billing or payment data. For these purposes, Tomorrowland Brasil bases itself on the processing grounds of the agreement, the legal obligation, its legitimate interest, and in some cases, your consent (see also section 2).

If you do not wish to share any Personal Data, you can skip the login with your Tomorrowland Account, and choose not to accept Push Notifications or Location Services. The processing of your Personal Data is subject to this privacy statement. In case you have questions or remarks concerning this policy, Tomorrowland invites you to contact By providing your Personal Data, you are deemed to have acknowledged the use of your Personal Data in accordance with this privacy policy. 



Affiliated Company; means a company that is affiliated to Appmiral insofar as it meets the conditions for an “affiliated company” as set out in article 1:20 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations, such as, for example, but not limited to, its subsidiary companies.

Application; means the “Tomorrowland Brasil” application that is developed for mobile devices for iOS- and Android-operating systems, customized and operated by Appmiral, which acts as a Processor in this respect.

Appmiral; means BV Appmiral, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of Belgium, with its registered office situated at Scheldestraat 11, 2000 Antwerp (Belgium) and registered in the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises with number 0835.673.410.

Controller;  has the meaning as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. The Organizer will be qualified as the Controller concerning the processing of Personal Data within the framework of the Application which determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data. MAGNASHOW EVENTOS LTDA., located at Rua Madre Maria Basilia, Centro, Itu/SP, CEP (ZIP Code) 13300-003, Brazil, enrolled with the CNPJ/MF (National Corporate Taxpayers Register of the Ministry of Finance) No. 71.736.037/0001-20, (“Tomorrowland Brasil” or “We”), is responsible for collecting and processing your personal data. This means that Tomorrowland Brasil determines the purpose and means of processing your personal data. It does not change the fact that our customers have certain obligations regarding the processing of personal data of those that they allow to use our products and services (for example, another person for whom our customer buys tickets).

Organizer; means the company that hosts the event for which the Application is used : Magnashow Eventos Ltda., a limited liability company enrolled with the CNPJ/MF under number 71.736.037/0001-20, with headquarters at Rua Madre Maria Basília, 580, CEP: 13.300-003, Itu, State of São Paulo.

Personal Data;  has the meaning as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, which is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (also referred to as “data subject”).

Processor; has the meaning as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, which is the entity or the person that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.





Within the framework of the Application, Tomorrowland Brasil collects and processes the identification and contact data of its customers. The data may be processed for the purposes of execution of the agreement with the customers, customer management, accounting, and direct marketing activities such as sending promotional or commercial information. The legal grounds for this processing are the execution of the agreement, compliant with a legal obligation to which Tomorrowland Brasil is subject (amongst others, the Brazilian accounting legislation), its legitimate interest, and in some cases, your consent.

Specifically, Tomorrowland Brasil may use the Personal Data it collects for the following purposes:


To access features such as Ticket Overview or Cachless Top-up, you might be asked to log in to your Tomorrowland Account via the Tomorrowland Belgium Application. The creation of a Tomorrowland Account is not obligatory to access this application, but enables a number of additional features as set out above. Please be aware that the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy applicable to the the Tomorrowland Account will also apply here when you use these additional features.



Every time you, as a user, submit Personal Data, Tomorrowland Brasil shall handle this information in accordance with the stipulations of this privacy policy and the legal obligations within the scope of the processing of Personal Data, including the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados or LGPD.

Tomorrowland Brasil establishes reasonable measures and procedures to secure and protect the Personal Data it collects via the Application or via electronic correspondence. This way, Tomorrowland Brasil undertakes, as far as can reasonably be expected, to prevent the illegal processing of Personal Data and unintentional loss or removal of your Personal Data.

Tomorrowland Brasil seeks to optimize the security of your Personal Data by limiting access to your Personal Data to persons on a “need-to-know” basis (for example only Tomorrowland Brasil employees, associates, Affiliated Companies, or subcontractors who need your Personal Data for the purposes as described in section 2 shall receive permission to access the data).



Tomorrowland employs information security systems across all systems, networks, and devices, including encryption, access controls, firewalls, account creation, and access logs, among others.

It's important to note that Tomorrowland only applies these layers of security once your information is received by Tomorrowland and while it is in our possession. Therefore, Tomorrowland cannot guarantee the security of the electronic device or networks you are using to access our website.

Despite our best efforts to safeguard our users' data, Tomorrowland acknowledges that incidents can occur.

In the event that any of your personal data is exposed in any way, Tomorrowland will send you a notification within a reasonable timeframe with the following information: (i) a description of the nature of the affected personal data; (ii) an indication of the technical and security measures used to protect the data; (iii) risks related to the incident; (iv) reasons for any delay if the notification was not immediate; and (v) measures that have been or will be taken to reverse or mitigate the effects of the breach.



Collection of data

Tomorrowland Brasil collects your Personal Data – without being exhaustive – in the following cases:

Tomorrowland Brasil avoids the collection of Personal Data that is not relevant for the purposes, as set out in section 2.

Tomorrowland Brasil can combine the Personal Data it collects via the Application with information that you provide in another way or which third parties deliver. 

Retention of data

Personal Data will be stored and processed by Tomorrowland Brasil for the duration that is required in relation to the purposes of the processing. 

Customer data will be removed from Tomorrowland's systems one year after the last time you log in to the Application, except for the Personal Data that Tomorrowland Brasil must store for a longer duration, based on specific legal obligations or in case of pending litigation(s). 

Tomorrowland Brasil avoids the collection of Personal Data that is not relevant for the purposes set out in section 2.

Transfer of Personal Data

Tomorrowland Brasil will not transfer your Personal Data to third parties without your permission, except:

Any transfer of Personal Data to one of the third parties mentioned in the list above is in accordance with the stipulations of the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados or LGPD. 

Tomorrowland ensures that measures are taken to make sure that third parties cannot use your Personal Data for other purposes than, and according to the purposes mentioned in section 2, and that these third parties have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the data involved.

Tomorrowland will have data processing agreements in place with the aforementioned third parties and, if applicable, Standard Contractual Clauses as provided by the European Commission, in order to ensure the security of the Personal Data. 

Tomorrowland shall take all necessary precautionary measures to assure that our employees and associates who have access to Personal Data will process these Personal Data exclusively in accordance with this privacy policy and our obligations under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados or LGPD. 

Rights of the data subject

By virtue of both Brazilian legislation concerning data protection, you have the following rights. If you want to exercise the hereafter mentioned rights to your Personal Data, you have to send a written request and provide a copy of the front side of your ID card to

Tomorrowland Brasil will provide you with information within the legal period determined by the LGPD in its article 19.


Confirmation of the existence of processing: you can send Tomorrowland a request to confirm whether Tomorrowland are conducting any type of processing related to your personal data, as well as what data Tomorrowland has about you;


The right of access to Personal Data:

You are entitled to receive confirmation from us whether your personal data is processed by us, at your request. If we do process your personal data, you are entitled to request to view your personal data.


We will produce a copy of the personal data relating to you in our records upon request. Should you make repeated and disproportionate requests for copies of the said data, we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee.



Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data:

Tomorrowland kindly asks you to help make sure that the Personal Data in its records is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. If you believe that the Personal Data submitted to Tomorrowland is incorrect or incomplete, please notify Tomorrowland as described above. Tomorrowland will correct or adapt your Personal Data as soon as possible.


Anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or unlawfully processed data: if you believe that we are processing data excessively about you, you can request us to anonymize, block, or delete this information. Regarding this right, it is important to remember that we will first conduct an assessment to verify if we really do not need the collected data;


Data portability to another service or product provider: if you choose to use a competing platform to Tomorrowland, you can request us to send all your information that we have directly to this new platform. However, we will preserve any trade secrets and industrial secrets that may be involved in the operations;


Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject: if you have provided us with your consent for the processing of your personal data, you can request the deletion of this data, except when we are required to retain this information under the law, in which case we will inform you of this;

There are certain general exclusions of the right to erasure. Those general exclusions include where processing is necessary: 

In the following circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your Personal Data:

Where processing has been restricted on this basis, Tomorrowland may continue to store your Personal Data. However, Tomorrowland will only process it with your explicit consent, for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for reasons of important public interest.

Information about public and private entities with which we share your data: you can request details about which public agencies and/or companies we share your personal data with;


Information about the possibility of not giving consent and about the consequences of refusal: whenever we require your consent for the processing of your personal data, we will inform you about the possibility of not providing us with this authorization, as well as the potential consequences;


Revocation of consent:

To the extent that the legal basis for Tomorrowland’s processing of your Personal Data is consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. However, the withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal.


Your Personal Data is used for detecting your location while using the Application. Tomorrowland Brasil will store such information for the limited duration of 36 months maximum. Tomorrowland Brasil will only use your Personal Data for this purpose if you have explicitly agreed to this by opting in. You have an unconditional right to opt-out at any time you want by sending an e-mail to or by turning off the ‘Location’ and ‘Background Location’ button in the settings of the Application.



The Application may contain links to other websites that are not controlled by Tomorrowland Brasil. Although Tomorrowland Brasil will do its utmost to make sure that the links in the Application lead exclusively to websites that have corresponding security and confidentiality standards, Tomorrowland Brasil is not responsible for the protection and confidentiality of data, among which Personal Data, which you submit on other websites after you have left the Application. 


Before submitting personal information on other sites Tomorrowland Brasil recommends that you proceed carefully and consult the privacy statement which applies on the website concerned before submitting Personal Data.



Tomorrowland Brasil has the right to change this privacy policy at any time by publishing a new version on the Application. Tomorrowland Brasil recommends consulting the Application on a regular basis in order to verify that you agree to any changes made to this privacy policy. In any event, you will be informed of any changes to this privacy policy by e-mail.